PowerShell Videregående kursus. 9400 kr. + moms

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Kurset giver viden og færdigheder til at anvende remoting til fjernadministration af en eller flere maskiner. CIM (Common information model), PSDrives, jobs og baggrundsjobs præsenteres, og deltageren får et indblik i PowerShell moduler til Azure, herunder Microsoft 365 og Microsoft Graph



Dette kursus er en naturlig fortsættelse til Powershell Grundkursus.

Deltagelse på kurset forudsætter, at du har grundlæggende viden om cmdlets, objekter, pipelinesyntaksen og PowerShell hjælpesystemet.

Alle Microsoft platforme kan i korte træk styres og administreres i Windows PowerShell. Derfor er scriptsproget bredt anvendt både inden for Azure og on-premise.

På kurset går vi i dybden med PSDrives, der anvendes mange steder til at udstille objekter, som man nemt kan navigere i. On-premise giver det f.eks. adgang til Windows Registry og IIS - i skyen findes alle Azure ressourcer i et PSDrive.

Du introduceres derudover til PowerShells CIM cmdlets, som er en erstatning af de gamle WMI-forespørgsler og er nyttige til at indhente systeminformation og konfigurere indstillinger, som ikke er tilgængelige direkte via PowerShell.

Vi bruger også meget tid på Remoting, som er en helt central del af PowerShell til fjernadministration af servere og desktop maskiner. Windows PowerShell anvender winRM, imens PowerShell 7 også tilbyder SSH. Længerevarende scripts kan køres ad hoc som et job, eller de kan knyttes til et baggrundsjob og eksekveres efter en fast tidsplan f.eks. hver nat.

Vi øver os i at oprette og administrere af ressourcer, f.eks. en virtuel maskine i Azure der elegant oprettes via Az-modulet til PowerShell i cloud shell. Azure AD brugere og grupper er helt centrale for alle Microsoft 365 tjenesterne såsom Teams, SharePoint og Exchange. Microsoft Graph modulet tilbyder en del cmdlets, men man kan stadig have brug for funktionalitet fra de gamle moduler.

Hvert modul har lab med øvelser, så du løbende får en hands-on oplevelse og anvender den forståelse og viden om PowerShell, du erhverver dig på kurset.



PowerShell Grundkursus


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PowerShell Avanceret


Module A: Using PSProviders and PSDrives

  • This module explains the purpose and use of Windows PowerShell PSProviders and PSDrives, and shows students how to use these useful components for administrative tasks. Students will also learn to use the -item* commands to manipulate items within a PSDrive.
  • Lessons
    • Using PSProviders
    • Using PSDrives
  • Lab : Using PSProviders and PSDrives
    • Create a New Folder
    • Create a New PSDrive
    • Create a New Registry Key
    • Create a New Registry Setting
    • Modify a WS-Management Setting
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
    • Explain the purpose and use of PSProviders
    • Explain the purpose and use of PSDrives

Module B: Formatting Output

  • This module demonstrates how to format command output and how to create custom output elements.
  • Lessons
    • Using Basic Formatting
    • Using Advanced Formatting
    • Redirecting Formatted Output
  • Lab : Formatting Output
    • Formatting Command Output
    • Reproducing Specified Output
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
    • Format command output by using basic formatting commands
    • Format command output by using advanced formatting options
    • Redirect formatted output

Module C: Querying Management Information by Using WMI and CIM

  • This module explains Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Common Information Model (CIM), and shows students how to retrieve and in some cases modify management information about local and remote computers.
  • Lessons
    • Understanding WMI and CIM
    • Querying Data with WMI and CIM
    • Making Changes by Using WMI and CIM
  • Lab : Working with WMI and CIM
    • Querying Information by Using WMI
    • Querying Information by Using CIM
    • Invoking Methods
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
    • Explain the differences between WMI and CIM
    • Query management information by using WMI and CIM
    • Invoke methods by using WMI and CIM

Module D: Administering Remote Computers

  • This module explains Windows PowerShell remoting, and shows students how to configure and use remoting to manage multiple remote computers.
  • Lessons
    • Using Basic Remoting
    • Using Advanced Remoting Techniques
    • Using Remoting Sessions
  • Lab : Using Basic Remoting
    • Enable Remoting on the Local Computer
    • Performing One-to-One Remoting
    • Performing One-to-Many Remoting
  • Lab : Using Remoting Sessions
    • Using Implicit Remoting
    • Multicomputer Management
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
    • Describe remoting architecture and security, manually enable remoting, and use remoting for one-to-one and one-to-many connections
    • Pass local variables to remote computers
    • Create and manage persistent remoting sessions, and use implicit remoting

Module E: Putting it All Together

  • This module offers students an opportunity to use everything they have learned so far. Students will discover, learn, and run commands that perform a complex, real-world administrative task.
  • Lessons
    • Provisioning a New Server Core Instance
  • Lab : Provisioning a New Server Core Installation
    • Create a Parameterized Script
    • Get the Dynamic IP Address of the New Server Core Computer
    • Create a DHCP Reservation for the Server Core Instance
    • Modify the Local TrustedHosts List
    • Add a Role to the Server Core Instance
    • Add the Server Core Instance to the Domain
    • Test the Completed Script
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
    • Plan your Windows PowerShell Script
    • Configure Server Core computers using Windows PowerShell

Module F: Using Background Jobs and Scheduled Jobs

  • In this module students will learn to create and manage background jobs and scheduled jobs.
  • Lessons
    • Using Background Jobs
    • Using Scheduled Jobs
  • Lab : Using Background Jobs
    • Starting Jobs
    • Managing Jobs
  • Lab : Using Scheduled Jobs
    • Creating a Scheduled Job
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
    • Create and manage Background Jobs
    • Create and manage Scheduled Jobs


#powershell #automatisering #kursus #kurser

#PSProviders   #PSDrives  #WMI  #CIM


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